AutoSlideShow - A JavaScript Automatic SlideShow Class
version 1.05
Copyright (c) 2007, Chris Pietschmann (
All rights reserved
This was created as part of the Lunch Time Coder initiative.
Usage Example:
- LunchTimeCoder.AutoSlideShow Object
- Constructor(parentDivId, timerInterval)
- parentDivId parameter
Required - This is the ID of the DIV that will contain the slide show. This allows you to place the DIV anywhere on the page like a placeholder, and the slideshow will be render inside it.
- timerInterval parameter
Optional - This is the time span (in milliseconds) that each image is displayed. The Default is 500 (0.5 seconds).
- Methods
- AddImage(imageUrl)
This method adds an image to the array of images that are flipped through. The images are flipped through in the order they are added.
- imageUrl parameter
Required - This is the URL of the image to be displayed.
- Start()
Starts the slide show if it's in the stopped state.
- Stop()
Stops the slide show if it's in a started state.
- Next()
Advances the slide show to the next image.
- Previous()
Reverts the slide show back to the previous image.
Source Code Available:
(right-click the below links and select "save as")
Change Log:
07/16/2007 - v1.05
- Added Image Caching
- Converted to use DOM to add Image tag instead of innerHTML property
- Added Start, Stop and Previous methods to allow user/programmatic control of slide show
07/03/2007 - v1.0 Created
Future Thoughts:
Possible additions to the component if more time were spent on it.
- Some type of transition animations (like fading and scrolling) would be nice when changing between images
- It would be nice if there were Remove and Reorder capabilities with the array of images so that this could be used more dynamically in Ajax scenario
- The ability to point the component to an XML file that it would read in all settings (including image array and transitions to use).
- It would be kind of neat if the component used custom html tags/attributes for default "page load" configurations
{% if %}
{% endif %}