Place a StackOverflow badge on your website
Oct 10, 2008 • CSS • C# • .NETUpdate: has since added the ability to include StackOverflow “Flair” on your own website; basically a “badge” that contains your Name, Avatar, Score and Medal counts within a nice little box. I’m not sure when they added it, but now it’s officially supported.
And, for reference, my original StackOverflow Badge code is still below:
I was thinking it would be cool if you could place a StackOverflow “badge” on your website or blog showing your current Reputation score with a link to your profile. So I look into it, and it actually wasn’t that difficult to “scrape” the information off the website.
Disclaimer: I didn’t see any terms of use on the site prohibiting this, but it very well may be against the terms of use. Use at your own risk.
Well, here’s a small ASP.NET User Control that does it:
And here’s the usage code for putting your badge on your site:
[ code:html ]
<%@ Register Src=”~/StackOverflowBadge.ascx” TagPrefix=”StackOverflow” TagName=”Badge” %>
[/ code ]
See pretty simple to use, just make sure you put the CSS in your site so it’s styled appropriately.
And finally, here’s the source for the StackOverflowBadge.ascx user control:
[ code:html ]
<%@ Control Language=”C#” AutoEventWireup=”true” CodeFile=”StackOverflowBadge.ascx.cs” Inherits=”StackOverflowBadge” %> <%=this.HTML%>
[/ code ]
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
public partial class StackOverflowBadge : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
public string Reputation { get; set; }
public string UserID { get; set; }
public string ImageURL { get; set; }
public string HTML { get; set; }
protected void GetStackOverflowData()
string username = this.DisplayName;
username = username.ToLowerInvariant();
WebRequest r = WebRequest.Create("");
((HttpWebRequest)r).UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0;)";
r.Method = "POST";
Byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("filter=" + username);
r.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
r.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
Stream requestStream = r.GetRequestStream();
requestStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
WebResponse resp = r.GetResponse();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());
string responseContent = reader.ReadToEnd();
// Fix username to look for in HTML returned
username = username.Replace(" ", "-");
// Get UserID
string userid = null;
if (responseContent.IndexOf("<a href=\"/users/") > 0)
string tempUserID = responseContent.Substring(responseContent.IndexOf("<a href=\"/users/"));
if (tempUserID.Length > 16)
tempUserID = tempUserID.Substring(16);
if (tempUserID.IndexOf("/" + username) > 0)
userid = tempUserID.Substring(0, tempUserID.IndexOf("/" + username));
this.UserID = userid;
// Get Reputation Score
string rep = null;
if (responseContent.IndexOf("title=\"reputation score\">") > 0)
string tempRep = responseContent.Substring(responseContent.IndexOf("title=\"reputation score\">"));
if (tempRep.Length > 25)
tempRep = tempRep.Substring(25);
if (tempRep.IndexOf("</span>") > 0)
rep = tempRep.Substring(0, tempRep.IndexOf("</span>"));
this.Reputation = rep;
// Get Image URL
string img = null;
if (responseContent.IndexOf("\"><img src=\"") > 0)
string tempImg = responseContent.Substring(responseContent.IndexOf("\"><img src=\""));
if (tempImg.Length > 12)
tempImg = tempImg.Substring(12);
if (tempImg.IndexOf("\" height=32 width=32 />") > 0)
img = tempImg.Substring(0, tempImg.IndexOf("\" height=32 width=32 />"));
this.ImageURL = img;
// Get Full Html for Display
string html = null;
if (responseContent.IndexOf("; width:860px;\">") > 0)
string tempHtml = responseContent.Substring(responseContent.IndexOf("; width:860px;\">"));
if (tempHtml.Length > 16)
tempHtml = tempHtml.Substring(16);
if (tempHtml.IndexOf("<div style=\"float:") > 0)
html = tempHtml.Substring(0, tempHtml.IndexOf("<div style=\"float:"));
html = html.Replace("<a href=\"/users", "<a href=\"<a href=""></a>");
html = html.Replace("<table style=\"margin: 0px 5px 5px;\">", "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class=\"stackoverflow-badge\">");
html = html.Replace("<div class=\"user-action-time\">
</div>", "");
html = html.Replace("<td width=200>", "<td>");
this.HTML = html;