New “Earthquakes in Last 7 Days” Bing Map App

Mar 14, 2011  • Mapping

In recent light of the earthquakes, tsunami and huge disaster in Japan, I put together the new “Earthquakes in Last 7 Days” Bing Map App.
You can try it here: “Earthquakes in Last 7 Days” Bing Map App
This app pulls in the USGS feed of earthquakes of magnitude 2.5+ from the past 7 days. When ever you go to the app, it will show you the most recent earthquakes that have occurred.
Here’s a screenshot showing all the earthquakes globally from the USGS feed at the time of writing this blog post:
Here’s a screenshot centering on Japan, to show the scale of how many earthquakes have happened there over the last 7 days previous to writing this blog post. This includes the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that caused the devastating tsunami.
It’s really interesting to be able to visualize the planets earthquake activity using this app. I really encourage anyone interested to go check it out!